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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Brainwrite Your Way To Your Next Big Idea

Last week I introduced readers to brainpainting, a neurofeedback technique to subconsciously open up new neural pathways. The question now is: How do you channel those new connections into breakthrough ideas?
Introducing "brainwriting," a brainstorming and ideation method technique I've used with great success in working with creative individuals and teams. The idea is simple and straightforward: Write on an idea for five minutes without stopping—stream-of-consciousness style—and no pauses to analyze or edit your thinking. 

Here's how you can try using it to flesh out your next big idea.

Step 1:
Pick an area of talent, skill, knowledge or interest—personal, professional, it doesn’t matter. Write down five sentences beginning with “What if...”

Example: What if there was a new way to measure brand image?

Step 2:
Pick one sentence that appeals to you, resonates with you. Invent a new twist, idea, product, service or strategy around your “What if?” by writing continuously for five minutes. Do not lift your pen off the page.

Step 3:
Now unpack your brain stream and turn it into a business "pitch" sheet that fleshes out your idea, using the following framework. (I've included a fictitious example from one of my own creative sessions.)

High concept
Draft a one to four sentence paragraph that summarizes your entire idea or strategy from a highline, “concept at a glance” perspective.

Example: Brandstar.com is a Web-based “fictional market exchange” that turns car model brands and motorsports personalities into tradable securities. Users (“traders”) use fictional dollars to invest in desired car models, race teams, individual pro racers and various “indices” and “mutual funds.” The site appeals to the billions of car buffs, race enthusiasts and car buyers worldwide.

Draft a one to four sentence paragraph that summarizes the goal or intended outcome of your idea or strategy.

Example: Brandstar.com will not only be a fun way for car enthusiasts and consumers to follow and participate in the industry, but will be a powerhouse of public opinion that shapes the brand decisions made by top executives of automotive manufacturers.

Draft a one to four sentence paragraph that summarizes the opportunity identified by your idea or strategy.

Example: An opportunity exists to create a real exchange—a legitimate (albeit fictional) market. By using the economics and efficiencies of the exchange concept, we can create a real market of people’s ideas and sentiments. While Wall Street is a broker of securities, Brandstar.com is a broker of brand image—awareness, understanding and clarity of the brand. In the automotive industry, brand image is everything.

Draft a one to four sentence paragraph that summarizes the target audience/customer or user need met by your idea or strategy.

Example: The biggest flaw in consumer research (online or traditional), is that people say one thing in surveys and focus groups then do another in the marketplace. Brandstar.com—a true market—will tap into what real people are going to do. It will point to where consumers’ hearts, minds, and pocketbooks will be. This total visibility into what’s going on inside people’s heads is invaluable to makers of product.

Draft a one to four sentence paragraph that summarizes the benefit offered to the target audience/key customer or user segments by your idea or strategy. Draft a separate paragraph for each segment.

Example: To carmakers: All other forms of consumer behavior research renders only hindsight. Brandstar.com offers foresight. It provides an early understanding of the forces, desires and preferences that shape markets. Brandstar.com offers a real-time snapshot of what people are visualizing in their minds.

To carbuffs and consumers: Brandstar.com offers a destination site for car buffs and consumers to actually interact and participate in the industry in a fun, game-like, engaging way. Brandstar.com enables enthusiasts to immerse themselves in all aspects of the industry, and capitalizes on the online trading craze as the primary mechanism for interaction.

Business model
Draft a one to four sentence paragraph that describes how your idea will generate revenue. (This step is optional.)

Example: Brandstar.com will generate revenue through three complementary streams: Research data on consumer behavior sold to automobile companies; advertising; upgraded account and gaming options for users.

First, make three columns: Step/Task, Description/Outcome and Timing. Now, outline the major steps involved in selling and executing your idea, as you see them. Include all strategic and tactical items. Who will you sell your idea to? How? What are the key phases of implementation? Next, briefly describe the outcome of each step. Finally, enter a projected deadline for each step.

Try this method the next time you get one of those Eureka! moments. Don't just jot it down or rely on your memory, brainwrite it out!

SOURCE: www.openforum.com

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