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Monday, May 14, 2012

Youth In The Office: Defying The Odds

This is a guest post by Nick Johnson, and part of an ongoing series about youth in the office.
I am a 26-year-old Web developer based in Midtown Manhattan. On top of my “regular” job, I spend anywhere from 20 to 40 hours a week working on writing and marketing projects through my small business. I’ve spent all of my 20s hopping from major city to major city pursuing anything and everything I could construe as a career based on my ever-growing skill set.

Every city had a theme. Miami was graphic design, Russians and amphetamine; Chicago was Web development, citizen journalism and libertarianism gone horribly wrong; Los Angeles was a two-year vacation, working in the music industry and eating a lot of Vietnamese food. The decision to move to New York from LA came after downing half a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue and playing too much World of Warcraft.

Nick Johnson

Truth is, I’ve never had a problem getting a job. I’m not bitter and underemployed like a lot of my peers. In all of the cities I listed, I had no family or any friends in any of them. In every case I set up a couple of job interviews, booked a flight, and didn’t look back. I built my network from scratch when I got there. I know that no matter where I go, I will be successful. I will do well. I will never hurt for work.

This is different from the sentiments I hear from many of my peers. The reason for my perspective is two-fold:

1) I studied business at the University of Central Florida and digital media at technical school Full Sail University. Because my educational background covers a wide array of technical skills and business it allows me to work in pretty much any industry I want.

2) My class and racial background forced me into situations where I had to ignore most of what was around me to be successful. This became very useful later. I grew up a poor black kid from Michigan and North Carolina. I am the eldest of six children. I had no support or encouragement for school or any sort of intellectual pursuits. In order for me to take “Academically Gifted” classes when I was in sixth grade, I had to go to my counselor, ask her to put me in the classes and forge my mother’s signature on the documents because she didn’t care to look at them.

It was at this time that I began to learn the stark realities of class and race. Overnight, I went from a class with all black students, to being in a class where I was one of two black students. The difference in expectations was a bit of a culture shock. All of a sudden, I magically knew why I was teased for years for “talking like a white boy.”

These students–middle and upper-middle class and full-on rich–were nothing like the students I rode the bus with. Compared to me, these kids had everything. They had computers at home. They could afford things like pens and paper. They had parents who actually cared about their academic progress. They all expected to go to college at some point. They had rides to the library and bookstores and could check or buy out all the books they wanted. All of this was very strange to me. I thought what I experienced was the norm.

I’ve found that this difference in perspective would shape how we would deal with things much later. Having the background I did, if I wanted to learn, I had to create my own opportunities to do so. While my peers were taking trips and having fun on summer vacations, I would walk miles to the library every day to read and use the computers. Making the same grades as my peers meant I had to be smarter and more of a hustler.

While working on this, I admittedly picked up a healthy ego. Ignoring the chiding of my peers at home, ignoring my mother’s constant anti-intellectual rants, ignoring the statistics about poor black boys, firmly believing they won’t apply to myself and being further convinced that my limitations caused by class and race wouldn’t matter, all takes a staggering amount of arrogance to pull off simultaneously.

Learning that “Academically Gifted” was merely a euphemism for “not black and not poor” fueled my determination to ignore the odds and trust in myself and my abilities to be successful no matter what the context.

When you believe all that, taking chances to find your own innovative path becomes easy. I think we should take as many calculated risks as we can in our 20s. If we don’t, I predict that we are doomed to become like one of the zombies you see in Midtown who manage to just barely stave off the socially-accepted-as-inevitable midlife crisis with alcoholism and prescription opiates.

I’m afraid that many of my peers are afraid to move from the comfort zones that were graciously created for them by years of coddling from both their parents and educational institutions. They did everything people told them to do and expected that things would work out alright. They had no reason to think that what they were being told would be inapplicable by the time their undergraduate studies were completed.

It seems that no one taught my struggling peers that the key to success later on would be to keep their vibrant idealism locked in a jar for safety while strategizing ways to make themselves competitive in a world that’s largely apathetic to their existence. The same world that would gladly tell them it’s a good idea to study liberal arts and accrue six figures of debt. The same world that says “do what you love and the money will come” while smiling in devilish glee at the idea of collecting money from them for the next 30 years.

As a generation, “Millennials,” or whatever name they want to give us, I believe our already fragile idealism about what’s expected of the world has been all but destroyed. My personal response to this is to take off-the-wall approaches and calculated risks. It is not enough to merely concoct some lofty outline of what we want out of life, content to just let the details sort themselves out. This economy favors the bold, the creative and the slightly crazy.

This is the seventh post in a series that examines youth in the office, in the words of young workers themselves and others around them. Please share your own insights and experiences in the comments section below.

Follow me @Jenna_Goudreau, and subscribe to me on Facebook.
SOURCE: www.forbes.com

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